1. (noun)Originally a form of black music as Jazz, Blues, etc. Adapted into white culture (*cough elvis stole it cough*)and tweeked to perfection. Has many different forms (emo, punk, metal, etc.) and is usually mistaken for satanic music. (you are a fucking retard if you think that)

2.(noun) Form of music with very deep lyrics and awesome guitar/bass riffs, bakced by drums. Lately it has been given a very bad name by people like Avril Livigne and other whiney folk who think just because they have a guitar in their hand and sing about how they broke their toe, went out with a sk8er boi, or lost their girlfriend five years ago make them fit to be in this genre. People like them are the reason 'rockers' are given suck a bad name.
3.(noun) Rocker-A person who enjoys rock. Is often mislabed, misunderstood, and picked on by illiterate morons who think our music sucks. Mean while they listen to music that all they talk about is "yo yo son nigger bitches and hoez madd bling bling" and have no personality of their own. Rockers are also called Punks. But labels are gay and should die. b)Often used to insult a person who enjoys rock music, some times followed by some idiot moaning "aahhhh rock onn duude"
Did you hear that new rock song witht he guy playing the guitar and singing about how sucky life is?<--it's a joke so shut up

Oohh you stupid rocker look at your green hair.<--based on stereotype
by Fellow Person April 9, 2004
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Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got, I'm still I'm still Jenny from the block.
by BarbieGirl February 28, 2004
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Testicles, especially when used concerning masturbation.
"Honey, what's that repetitive sound in Johnny's room every night?" "Ah don't worry about it, he's just getting his rocks off."
by MarkyB August 3, 2005
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Something that is big and strong and wrestles
The rock is in that movie
by FourForeFor4 March 19, 2019
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1. A type of Music
2. A kind of complement.
3. A stone, Something to throw at people.
4. A type of sugary sweet in a stick shape, generally found at the seaside.
5. Crack cocaine
6. Slang word for Basket ball.
1. *Listening to music* "Rock on duudde!"
2. "You rock my socks!"
3. "Hey! Stop throwing rocks at me!"
4. Katy was sucking her stick of rock on the beach.
5. *inhale* that's some good rock man...
6. Imma go shoot some hoops with that rock."
by The Annonymus Penguin March 10, 2008
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A term used when something good happens!
I found $20 in a bowling ball! ROCK ON!
by Jaim November 3, 2003
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To be moved from one life experience to another in an extraordinary way
It is my destiny to be rocked today. I can feel it in my bones.
by The Princesses July 11, 2010
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