The place where highly educated students spend most of their time studying and catching a buzz in the upstairs bathroom. The students at East are known for having jeeps, patagonia, and the latest nicotine device. 95% of the student population is white, rich, and stoned.
He drives a 2018 grand cherokee and has cucumber pods....I bet he goes to East Grand Rapids High School.
by bdblah98 January 10, 2018
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Similar to East Grand Rapids High School, 95% of the people are white and rich. With this school is filled with bright minds and smart people, but no one cares and don’t do crap. In this school you will spend three years of your life with an insane amount of depression and be oppressed by the “popular boys”.
Look at those boys with their football hoodies and talking about fingering eachother, they must be from East Grand Rapids Middle School.
by maneating3423 October 13, 2021
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A middle school "it's motto is teaching dummies"
Sauk Rapids Middle School is for dummies
by Ee3eeE August 20, 2021
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A place in Michigan to get great head from some dork named Bill. He loves the cock.
Some dude: I'm taking a trip to Michigan...know any good tings to do

Other dude: Oh yah! get yourself a Grand Rapids Blow Job!

Some dude: ohhh, sounds pleasant ;-)

Other dude: Yah, Bill loves teh cock.
by Bill loves the cock May 20, 2004
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What comes out of you when you get a grand rapids blow job. Not the most quality of ejaculations, but well worth it. After all, Bill loves the cock.
Dude #1: Good god, i just made a 10 gallon drum of the Grand Rapids White Sauce.

Dude #2: Im surprised you even got it up dude!

Dude #1: Yah, i closed my eyes and pretended it was my dog giving me head instead of that Bill guy......
by Bill loves the cock May 20, 2004
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An underground pro sex move, initiated by a male who is COMPLETELY BLACKOUT DRUNK, foaming from the mouth, and humping his mate(s) so excessively fast it can be deemed "rapid".
Dude, I was so blackout last night. Watch this video I recorded, I'm pretty sure I gave Brittany the Rabid Rapid Rabbit Rammer!
by Blackout with my Monkey April 24, 2011
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An extremely technical and euphemastic way of saying getting shot with a gun.
The man walking down the street alone at night in Chicago suddenly had a terrible case of Rapid Acute Onset Lead Poisoning and died right then and there.
by Robjef622 May 8, 2017
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