A rule to do more even when its not prescribed. Can be used to male you do more and not be a lazy ass
Ex: "I've walked about 1/2 a mile Might as well make it 1 mile"
by Gunrunner0210 June 29, 2021
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When something could possibly be the best thing ever but is not confirmed to be the best thing ever. Everyone who says it might be best is questioning the other person to confirm that it is in fact... best.
by mightbebest August 15, 2024
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A band notorious for sucking ass. They wrote a fucking song called Triangle Man. Lyrically they make no sense
We hate Warren and everyone knows They Might Be Giants are his favorite band. Their CD was in his van. Probably. Fairly certain. It should have been
by octoturt February 14, 2022
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A short way of saying "may have".
"Don't share nobody's lipstick, they might got a disease"
by #Venom August 29, 2021
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"Don't share nobody's lipstick, they might got a disease"
by #Venom August 29, 2021
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Might : is Model Verb of future possibility , he doesn't change with the subject.
I might buy a car next year.
he might have a vacation this summer.
by It's H November 14, 2021
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1. Expressing various possibility.
2. Used rarely as permission.
3. Used rarely as a request.
It might rain next month.
Who might you be, you might as well use it.
Might I ask for some advice on this assignment?
by Juneberry You June 13, 2023
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