This is the sexual act of teasing your partner for such an extended amount of time and just barely keep him from ejaculating. And when you think the time is right, you simply start having normal sex so he can't manage to hold it back for more than 10 seconds.
I don't know what to think...Stacy did the 10 seconds before you go-go on me, and now i'm neither satisfied, nor dissapointed.
by crazy_weisz October 19, 2018
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A saying utilizing the aged myth that young boys will go blind if they masturbate too frequently.

This myth was created simply to discourage such behavior in adolescent children.
Guy 1: "I swear, that porn video is so hot I've beat the meat to it at least five times today."

Guy 2: "You know you'll go blind if you keep playing with those."
by daggit June 30, 2011
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a school where there are too many rules and just suck period!! mostly everyone that goes to this school hates it! the teachers, hall monitors and even librarians take their jobs waaay to seriously! this school sucks...
You know you go to Metea Valley when

1. you have gotten PDAed at least 3 times for the dumbest shit
2. you are taller than the lockers
3. your siblings are older than the teachers at the school
4. you've spent a class period sitting in smiths class when you've never had him as a teacher
5. you've gotten sent back to class for not having a pass multiple times in one day
6. you have tried to sneak around Mr. Gordan to get to the vending machines
7. you know more than 3 pot dealers
8. you have come to school high or drunk
9. you laughed when sydney degan fell in a cheer routine
10. you got dress coded for a completely appropriate outfit
11. you sat in the office for over 2 class periods because you were dress coded
12. you freeked out when mushu the snake was stolen/escaped from smiths first semester
13. you've gave/got head more than 3 times in a week
14. you went to at least one epic drinking party during the year
15. you've stolen food and gotten away with it
16. you live 45 min away from the school
17. your middle school split to go to metea
18. you are a sophomore or freshmen
19. you hate your school
20. you have never gone to a football game or sporting event
by mcwccr May 17, 2010
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A great fucking song by Wham!. Yes they diserve the exmation point.
Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go is a great song.
by IGreatDepression December 13, 2018
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When a White Woman doesn’t see the value in a White Man that she could marry. while he protects her and give her love. But instead of going for him She goes for a Nigger. The reason why this is is because she became a Whore who went around Fornicating with other men than she switch to Black men Because of The BBC. The reason why she became a whore is not because of Money but Jezebel deceiving her making her think that Lowering her dignity as a woman and sexualizing herself is “empowering”. Jezebel also manipulated her and convinced her to be “Sexually Exploring” which actually means degrading yourself and getting into worse sexual sins like homosexuality, This happen to the Poor white woman when she was a Teen. MEANWHILE her parents do nothing to get involved with her to warn about the dangers of these things. So she whores around for the rest her life and she meets Tyrone where she made the following statement: once you go black you’ll never go back. After This hookup she meets a lovely white man who will do anything to take care of her and love her. The best part is he’s interested in her. She rejects him And crushes his very heart and calls him mean names in front of her mud-shark friends. After this God became Angry and he curse her with AIDS and a bastard of a child who doesn’t even look like her. And we all know He ain’t paying for child support. She goes back to the white man and she asks for a 2nd chance but the white guy says: Once You Go Black Your Not Welcome Back.
Once You Go Black Your Not Welcome Back Ashley on Tinder
by Jesus is king07777777 July 26, 2022
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when you say "im going to rip you a new ass hole" you basicaly are saying u want to KILL SOMEONE!! its the same thing as that... basicaly "im going to rip you a new ass hole " means IM FUCKING PISSED OFF!!! SO GO MOTHER FUCKIN DIE YOU ASS HOLE LICKING UNCLE FUCKING ARSE EATING ANAL SEX LOVING HOMO-SUCKING ^(&$(&^$(&^$(^&^(&%^*%&^**^%(^&(^& (CENCORED) (CENCORED) (CENCORED)
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