One who makes a living purchasing items on Ebay only to turn around and sell them on Ebay for a higher price.
Mike: "I was outbid on Microsoft Office 2003 at the last second by a guy who currently has 2 listed for sale on here."

Chris: "Yeah, Ebay should ban those fucking Ebay Vampires, but instead stokes their fire by labeling them Power Sellers."
by Chris Pinchak February 8, 2007
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The day after Apple releases their latest iGadget when buyers sell last year's model on-line to try to recuperate some of their money.
John: "Today's the day! I got my iPhone 5!"
Jane: "Tomorrow is eBay Day. You can sell your 4S and get some of your money back!"
by MILatino September 22, 2012
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Most retail stores selling electronics. Gives you a chance to see the item and try it out, before buying it on eBay for cheaper
I'm not gonna pay full price for these items, i'm just coming in here because it's an eBay Showroom
by AgentBootman December 9, 2009
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When a person buys an item on eBay, then for whatever reason, lists the item back for sale on eBay at a later date. This process could continue indefinitely among different buyers and sellers.
I just bought a laptop on eBay and it arrived with broken pixels. Guess it's time to do the ol' eBay Shuffle and list it back on the 'Bay!
by Analog Rocker October 21, 2009
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condition describing the feeling someone gets when the unexpectedly win an auction on eBay and immediately start bidding on other auctions and end up spending too much money.
Paulash just won a jersey on eBay and went and bid on 5 more jerseys and is now broke. He was eBay drunk
by Paulash October 6, 2008
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The unusual buzz of self-confidence one feels when looking at one's (presumably high) ebay rating. Ebay esteem can serve as replacement for normal self esteem in individuals where the latter is lacking.
My ebay esteem is through the roof at the moment! Apparently I'm a pleasure to do business with.
by Everworld2662 August 21, 2010
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some one who got burned one time too many on ebay and fled the comunity. can be a buyer or seller usually some what bitter over the way ebay and paypal treated them. truly believes ebay's talk about comunity is bullshit, and ebay dosen't care what happens as long as it gets paid.
a person who uses craigslist or other local sites to buy and sell,takes only cash, and inspects the merchandise before buying. i'm a ebay refugee it's more trouble to go to the flea market, but there i can handle what i'm buying. mikie the yorkie is a ebay refugee who hangs at craigslist.
by mikie the yorkie March 2, 2008
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