A Charlotte Airport is a form of flaking where someone tells you they will be there in a certain amount of time, and then extends it, and repeats this process. Sometimes they will show up.

The origin is believed to come out of an experience where someone was informed at an airport in Charlotte, NC, that their flight would be delayed for 10 minutes. This process was repeated for roughly 40 minutes.
Bones pulled a Charlotte Airport on her when he said he'd be there in 10 minutes, then said he had an appointment that he forgot about, then said he'd be there in an hour.
by mrcoronet32 September 12, 2023
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The level of buzzed you get when the drinks are too goddamn expensive but your flight’s been delayed 6 hours.
I’ve only got about three shots of vodka left... guess I’m just going to have an airport buzz tonight.
by MandaPanda88 January 22, 2020
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A place in switzerland that has a trash can, security and other stuff. hehehehehehehe Geneva AirportGeneva AirportGeneva AirportGeneva AirportGeneva AirportGeneva AirportGeneva AirportGeneva AirportGeneva AirportGeneva AirportGeneva AirportGeneva AirportGeneva Airport this is Geneva AirportGeneva AirportGeneva AirportGeneva AirportGeneva AirportGeneva AirportGeneva Airport speaking so Geneva AirportGeneva AirportGeneva AirportGeneva AirportGeneva AirportGeneva AirportGeneva Airport your way to france Geneva AirportGeneva AirportGeneva AirportGeneva AirportGeneva AirportGeneva AirportGeneva Airport.
Micheal: Are you going to Geneva Airport?
Jack: Yes, I wan't to test their security with a giant umbrella
Micheal: Cool, I like Switzerland
Jack: No, Geneva Airport!
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The uniform inprocessing Emergency Room patients in a manner and sequence comparable to that of airline passengers; i.e., proof of identity and x-raying of everything.
Hey we got real emergencies here, can the Airport Triage stuff wait for their care?
by Zappin' Nap July 28, 2023
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Daddy Brad using a laser pen to burn things on an airport. Daddy Brad should NOT be allowed on or near an airport. If you see him there, please report this to MI5 immediately.
Daddy brad is a safety hazard (Airport).
by misterblobbysmassiveshlong December 15, 2022
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while waiting in the airport, you invite custodial workers to come watch the World Cup with you on your laptop
Dude I am so crushing the airport right now.”
by gibgub November 27, 2022
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