Amazing friend, keeps secrets, trust worthy, gets yo party starteeddddddddd
Person 1- I'm bored.
Vanessa walks in
(Everyone dances on tables and ceilings)
by PersonWithAllAnswers8324 April 5, 2019
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Vanessa - A mega babe, a 20/10 chance she’ll break your heart. Beautiful brown eyes. Makeup looks flawless. Either is a great mother or would make a great mother. Smaller than petite, usually tiny enough to fit her in your pocket. Pulls off Brixton hats. Famously great at decorating. Idolizes Stevie Nicks. Excellent arguing skills. Funniest person you’ll ever met. Won’t marry you because she’s “marrying Steven Tyler”. Worth the headache because she really is ‘fantastic’. You’ll never meet anyone like her.
I’m going to ask Vanessa to sign a prenup before the wedding.
by Xoxogossipgirl2019 January 1, 2019
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Vanessa is a pretty girl and is very smart

Usually when she is tired she gets horny
She is taken for granted

She is not like other girls
Friend 1: Wow Vanessa is freaky

Friend 2: Vanessa is different than others
by KaizB November 10, 2018
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She is a fierce and not so king girl she will be nice to you well she feels the need to but she would be an absolute bitch if you mess with her and I promise she will kill you cause she may look nice but inside she is the goddess of hell
Oh no it's Vanessa run!!!!
by Md5774587 October 22, 2018
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Really mean depending on how you treat her and can't do much right according to everyone else except a few people

Depending on who she is can be gorgeous
Often her friends dump all their problems on her and except her to fix them
Everyone always gets mad at her then says they love her after
Mostly treated like shit and goes through a rebellious stage because she's tired of being the underdog

Does dumb things tries her best but to everyone else it's not good enough
Makes bad judgment sometimes

All in all Vanessa just needs a frickin hug
"Why is she doing that?" -Person1

"Duh it's vanessa." -Person2
"She's trying her best." -Person3
by Hottiethotty April 18, 2019
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A Girl with Blue Eyes. Loves to sing, dance, write, and do anything to make people happy. She is amazing and loves to volunteer for her church and school. She may come off as annoying sometimes but she is truly trying to have fun. She may come off as flirtatious but truth is Vanessa's tend to be flirty without trying. If you ever meet a vanessa just know you met her for a reason because vanessa's are like dimes in the rough once in a blue moon. also Vanessa's tend to try to hard to find love, but it will come to them.
Vanessa's tend to marry someone who has been in their past.
Boy 1: Hey yo remember Vanessa from a few years ago
BOY 3: Yea, I just proposed to her,
by TheTruth5000 October 8, 2018
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Vanessa is a girl. She is Mexican, has short brown hair, always has it up. She’s usually shy but everyone seems to know her, she’s very tall, funny. she only has a small group of friends. She’s a beautiful person inside out and will never let you down no matter what... get yourself a vanessa
by V.san5 September 24, 2018
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