When your throat hurts after eating and sucking on too many mints.
John: Ah, i went to a restaraunt and ate too many mints after my meal and now i have a throbbing richard.
by Bunani Muncha December 20, 2016
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when youre hitting your woman from the back, you light a cig and put it in her butthole. Wait til the cigarette burns out, and then blow your load in her butt
by Tommyboy3579 October 11, 2020
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Refers to a person named "sizl" or "sizzle" having an erect penis which is throbbing as it is being stroked.
Piza: "Oy look at Sizl"
Demo: "Thats Sizl's Throbbing Cock I have see it everday"
Sizl dies of cringe after seeing everyone else has a smaller cock
by PizaMan1222 July 20, 2022
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Bating an onlooker by teasing them with the throb/bulge in your pants.

Catching someone's attention with the huge dick in your pants
by LANZIFIREFLY June 24, 2019
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Person A: Want to go get something to eat?
Person B: Nah, I have to throb the dolphin. (:
by shadowknight4421 May 29, 2011
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Oh shit he just dunked. That shit throbs!
by chill room gang September 20, 2019
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when one screenshots an interesting picture and has a reaction equivalent to excitation- throbbing
Dude, did you see Paul's picture? I heard it was so cool that Josh did a screenshot and throb
by prssrules9 November 15, 2020
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