The art of having complete swag in a stylish manner.
Man, that dude has so much swag. He should be named Swaggie McGee swag, coolin'
by Horn Dogg September 30, 2015
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luke, jazz and jemma who are in it together and wont ever leave eachother behind <3.
we are swaggy besties :)
by .jazziskool July 12, 2021
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An exclamation used to express intense joy and/or extreme intoxication. May be applicable in many various situations; (not excluding funerals and/or marriage ceremonies).
The exclamation is usually accompanied by a movement in which one extends one's arms above the head and performs a continuous rotation (rolling) of the wrists back and forth towards ones body while shouting "Chee Swaggy Faaaaadeeeed!" at a decibel level comparable to the sound of a passenger jet ascending from a landing strip.
Gentleman I: Good heavens! We are quite lucky that police officer didn't find that excess of alcohol and rotting corpses we have hidden in the rear trunk!

Gentleman II: Quite "Cheeeeeeeeeee swaggy faaaaded" indeed!

Gentleman I: Quite so! My friend; indeed!
Adolescent boy I: How was your night man?

Adolescent boy II: We stuffed an elephant tusk up some guys ass, then we made him call his own ambulance in, hahaha.

Adolescent boy I: Chee swaggy faded, bro!
by The Saucy Gentleman February 7, 2013
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When you and your bro slays all them haters
All them other hoes can go home, cause we so swaggi baggie
by basicwhitbitchtf January 26, 2019
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When a nerd has a lot of swag
"Woah have you seen Jimmy?"
"Yeah he's got a lot of swag! Have you seen his lord of the rings ring and star wars trapper keeper! He's a Swaggy Baggins!"
by DemonWinchester121 July 14, 2015
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When you laugh so hard that you start squealing like a kettle or a fire siren.
by Norma Olga February 8, 2021
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