1. The act of being sarcastic about be being sarcastic.
Person #1: "Hey are you being sarcastic?" said in non-sarcastic voice.

Person #2: "No, I'm not being sarcastic," said in sarcastic voice.

Person #1: "Wait, are you using meta-sarcasm?" non-sarcastic.

Person #2: "Yes," said in sarcastic voice.
by Captain Potassium June 14, 2009
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When a person is either being sarcastic, albeit very dryly, or being serious and the person they are talking to can not tell whether or not they are being sarcastic or serious. They could be simultaneously serious or sarcastic at the exact same moment in time, thus quantum sarcasm.
Guy takes another man's sandwich and the man whose sandwich has been taken says "Go ahead and take it." in an inflected voice and direct stare. An uncomfortable moment passes because the man who took sandwich is now not sure of whether the other man is serious or is sarcastically remarking on the situation. Thus quantum sarcasm because sarcasm or seriousness are both equally valid options at the moment.
by joshfromriverside January 28, 2012
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For when somebody says, "Thanks, Captain Obvious" you say, "Your welcome Sergeant Sarcasm". Basically the the comeback for Captain Obvious.
You Say: "The grass is green."
They Say: "Thanks, Captain Obvious."
You Say: "Your welcome, Sergeant Sarcasm
by Mr Stan August 8, 2010
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ineffective use of sarcastic remarks sent via instant message or text
joe3434:hey i found 20 bucks today
frank1212:oh ya? how was that?
joe3434:it wasnt...i was using cyber-sarcasm
by T O double D April 24, 2008
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sarcasm that is played out longer than one witty remark and the person being sarcastic never confesses that he was being sarcastic; undying sarcasm
Jenny: How was the smoothie?
Salman: It was Amazing! You are a smoothie genius.
Jenny: Really?
Salman: Yeah! I just love the fact that it was warm and that you used raw fruits instead of ripe fruits. And adding salt was the greatest idea ever. Splendid!
Jenny: I'm glad you like it.
Salman: I freaking LOVE IT! I love salt in my smoothies.
Jenny: I honestly did not think that it was that good.
Salman: Oh trust me friend it was Genius.
{this is carried sarcasm because the smoothie was obviously terrible}
by Sally Vally May 4, 2011
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When a person (usually a love interest) expresses affection sarcastically.
Romantic sarcasm in old couples:

Boy: Do you love me??
Girl: No :o
by Peony Seaslug December 17, 2016
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When someone doesn't specifically say they're being sarcastic, or use the **rolls eyes** joke while texting.
"Smooth lines there, no wonder the ladies flock."
"Was that text sarcasm?

"It's so hard to tell when people are being sarcastic in texts, you can't even see what they're actually doing!"

"Yeah, Darn Text Sarcasm."
by Ivonna Suckadick July 8, 2009
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