First of all, I'm so sorry.

You had a very rough life, leaving you with your sharp survival instincts and trust issues. By "survival instincts" I meant surviving in the world, not the wild. You had to learn the bitter truth at a relatively young age, so you never got to experience the so called fairytale years. I know you often wonder if there are still any real emotions left in you, but I promise that you're not a bad person and it is not your fault.

- a kinnie
Person A: I'm an Ash Lynx kinnie
Person B: Oh my, who hurt you?
by leonhart04 February 22, 2021
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Somebody who holds loads of trauma and still needs help finding genuine friends to feel accepted and loved, and if they already have friends they love them so, so much that it's scary. Probably has attachment issues and mommy/daddy issues. Will probably run to their friends/family to handle sad moments, or let out their negativity by crying by themselves in a locked room. They still have loads of self-esteem though, and know that they are the hottest out there. They also probably have many hobbies that are to do with being creative like art, music, photography etc. and are invested in keeping their style of creativity unique. There's a 95% that they are apart of the LGBTQIA+ as well, any kou kinnies need to hit them up sometime cuz they're waiting for their prince/princess ;)
A: "Hey I heard that person there is a mitsuba sousuke kinnie"
B: "Ayo really? Damn bro we better run, i'm not prepared to deal with mentally ill gay people rn"
A: "Same bro let's go"
by mister077 September 13, 2021
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Almost the same as being a “Synpath” or an “Otherlink”, a “Kinnie” is a person who “Kins” a character (usually fictional). “Kinning” is when you closely relate to a character (in ways such as a characters backstory, personality, looks, or all of the above). A person who kins may identify with the character. “Kinning” a character is not the same as “being kin to” a character.

A person who kins may feel closely related to a character involuntarily, or they may choose to kin characters. In the same way, a kinnie may lose the connection with the character over time or they may choose to stop kinning the character.

Kinnies can have many kins from different movies, anime, video games, books, and more! Most people who kin will put each character in a “Kins List”.

The terms “Kin”, “Kinning”, and “Kinnie” have replaced the term “Synpath” over time, as the variety of words are easier to say in conversation and they have grown more popular.

Kinsidering” is when a person is getting to know a character to decide if it is a kin or not. “Kinfirmed” is a word used when a kinnie confirms that a new character fits their kins list.
Kin / Kinning / Kinnie Examples

“I kin Ryoma Hoshi from Danganronpa V3.”

“Kinning feels natural to me.”

“I am a Ryoma kinnie.”
by Mr. Pee Man February 19, 2021
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A who loves/likes the haikyuu character Kenma
Kenma is my favorite character I'm a Kenma kinnie
by I fucking love Kenma January 14, 2021
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ughhhh !!!!! go to therapy udhhghh!! !! ! ! !! stop bottling up all your shit bro its not good ahahahahah

you probably don’t even play sports like kel ugh go outside

also orange juice is disgusting stfu
kel omor kinnie???? but you’re short !!??!

that person kins kel they’re secretly emo its ok don’t hide ily
by transgenderbasil September 8, 2022
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sunny omor kinnies CANNOT BE TRUSTED they will PUSH YOU DOWN THE STAIRS UGH!$!$!!!!! they r emos and probably listen to mcr. those scalawags!!! those rapscallions!!! scoundrels those sunny kinnies istg GO TO THERAPY loserss!!!!!
that person kins sunny!!!!! that boy needs therapy

ugh a sunny omor kinnie kinda homo ngl
by transgenderbasil September 8, 2022
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An epic kinnie moment is when something happened or is happening that makes you feel like more of a kinnie then usual.
Person a: how are you?
Kinnie: I’m having an epic kinnie moment, someone knew I was a Peko kinnie and the gave me a sword.
by Mp06 December 25, 2020
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