The biggest most annoying bitch ever she is selfish only thinks of herself and will constantly be talking about her bloody horses . She thinks everyone likes her the worst best friend ever never stands up for her other best friends tries to be democratic
Oh look there’s Daisy RUN!”
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She is as short as a midget,she is not funny even though she thinks she is,she has no life and smells like yellow mustard.she is lonley and has no friends,zion should not talk to her cause the guy is just 2 good to be around such trash zion should run away,always run away from daisy's
Guy 1-Yo daisy is coming this way
Guy 2-RUN
by DeezNutsTasteFunny September 27, 2021
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The act of a girl called Florence kidnapping two males and forcing them to fuck each other while she watches and fingers herself. After they have finished, she tortures and kills them.
by fwubfubgilavuebgrwiregjb February 5, 2018
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A dog lucky enough to get fed once every couple days, even more when Nana is home. Often incurs threats on her bark box upon getting to excited about anything, especially when she wakes the baby.
Fuck you, Daisy-- do you want me to rip out your bark box?
by Big niplets March 19, 2017
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Daisy is that bitch, daisy is that snake. She is a person that will gain your trust to get information and then go betray you. She will steal your man just for fun. She thinks she’s a makeup guru but her lips are chapped as fuck and she must be related to Donald trump. She says she smokes for attention and she is really just someone who you don’t wanna meet. If you have ever met a daisy like this you have been touched by a snake.
Friend: If I tell you promise you won’t say anything

Daisy: I promise!
Daisy a day later: you’ll never guess what she just told me
by RKB03 September 8, 2018
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Daisy is a ugly , disgusting, girl.The world would be an amazing without her.Her parents need help beacuae they can't keep being disgustingly behaived to people. And they need to get a real life.Daisy needs to stop blaming things on her sister .Her parents need to actually punish their daughter so she can stop bullying people
Don't be like Daisy
by Tanisha88 October 20, 2018
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Daisy the biggest bitch of all she does is suck dick and wants to get bf all day bro like if you meet her don’t fall in love She will suck you small thing very bad
Dude your dating daisy
Ya dude
Dude your dead she is the worst
by Robot24 March 27, 2018
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