A form of masturbation usually undertaken by emos. They cry while they wank. Originating from the words "cry" and "wank"
Enrrique and Eke had a crank today, together.
by Smilevski May 20, 2009
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To Have Rough Sex With Someone.
He was absolutley Cranking that bitch!
by phazel14 October 16, 2007
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the best motherfuckin drug out there...
i love crank, do u love crank...got crank?
by N.S & J.S March 31, 2005
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this word can mean anything you want it to.
cool ugly crazy fun
A: Did you go to Jordan's party last night?
B: Yeah man! It was crank as hell!

A: look at that ugly bitch over there.
B: yeah, shes crank.
by j-smet1717 January 14, 2008
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If she grabs your crank you grab her snatch
by springfield April 28, 2007
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Guy 1: Aye bruh did you hear that Sarah has ANOTHER boyfriend. This is the 3rd one this week!
Guy 2: Yeahh, she a crank
by a whole different breed November 25, 2018
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when you hop in creative and start doing your 90s.
Im hopping in creative so I can crank my 90s real quick.
by jahsehonfroyy September 30, 2019
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