Give Anthony money and u will feel better instantly, (moms credit card number heals u faster)
Anthony has money! I’m cured! Sickness cure!
by Professional doctor November 25, 2022
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Auditory hallucination. When you keep hearing chests on fortnite that aren’t there.
“Can you hear that? I swear I can hear a chest in the attic but there’s nothing there.”
“You’ve got a bad case of the chest sickness my friend.”
by BigBrd June 21, 2018
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(n.)That friend that you really just want to tell “It’s over man, move on,” but you find that it is much more fun to mess with him in close to every way possible.
I got my sick fool of a brother to take me to the movies because the girl he’s drooling over works there.
by thisisformyproject November 30, 2009
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Someone who decorates for Christmas way too early, before Halloween. They seemingly have no patience, Christmas starts when they decide it does.

Imagine someone you know suddenly pulling out Christmas ornaments in the middle of October for example, what's going on in their head? They are Christmas sick.

We don't know what the reason for Christmas sickness is yet, but we suspect it's a huge love for Christmas, so overwhelming the person needs Christmas before it's appropriate.

We don't know if it's hereditary or if people randomly catch the sickness, we asked one person who said "", nothing, he was busy decorating for Christmas.

Scientists haven't found any cure yet.
Person 1: why is person 3 putting up Christmas lights? It's August!
Person 2: he's Christmas sick, there's nothing we can do about it
by Saucey707 August 26, 2023
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A Willy Nelson level inhale of the marijuana
Bro, what a sick riff!!
by dixonbutsss June 12, 2022
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