A) a new term for the twitter trend box, where people see whats trending.
B) a person who has the innate genetic ability to do nothing special and still generate or attract negative attention or negative people to themselves.
How to get rid of soc-med cancel culture? Just cancel the attention self generator on twitter. As for attention self generators definition b), do you even know any?
by Sexydimma June 9, 2021
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A collective term for anyone affected, even peripherally, by the fallout of the Coronavirus outbreak, to actually have the courage to stop the toxic, vicious cycle that they have been in, in order to pursue their personal mission statement.
-'Ere Barry, has Sid had a nervous breakdown or sommat? Looks like he's going through a mid-life...
-Nahhh, Gordon you thick twat.
He's only part of the Handbrake Generation, decided to leave Sharon and open up a Gluten-Free Bakery.
-Takes all sorts, I suppose...
by Benni Venutti September 5, 2020
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Reliance General is an insurance company which solves and covers all your problems which you can’t.
Reliance General Insurance is the 4 am friend everyone needs.
#AapkaYaar #AlwaysForever

By Brobot 16th Oct 2020
by Insurance November 24, 2021
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A cadet camp for first years. Often said as GT. GT's are the annoying first year cadets who think they are special
2nd year: Those GT's didn't salute to the sir!
Other 2nd year: Idiots they obviously haven't learned rank system. Look the GT's are breaking the pool table!
Other other 2nd year: Did you know that the General Training kids got to go canoeing.
by Lucythekid February 26, 2019
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Its when a girl is on her knees giving a guy a blowjob while he's standing up. In each hand he holds a bottle of champagne and a bottle of orange juice. He cums in the girls mouth. But before she swallows she opens her mouth to gargle the cum as the guy pours both the bottle of champagne and bottle of orange juice into her mouth.
"She came over after our date and I gave her a generous mimosa."
by Lorvul August 14, 2019
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Refers to da friendly wave, nod,. smile, etc. dat you courteously preform in response to a passing motorist/pedestrian who honks or calls hello to you, but you are unable to identify said greeter because the person has already moved too far away by the time you "get turned around" to see who it was.
A sportsman friend of mine experienced a classic case of "generic greeting" whenever he visited my area --- "The only thing I can figure is that I must have a vehicle that looks a lot like a local resident's, because everyone waves eagerly to me when I drive through town, and yet I don't really know anyone here. But heck, that's perfectly okay with me --- I dunno why they wave, but I just always wave back!"
by QuacksO August 5, 2019
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all people who were born in the mid to late eighties, and grew up in the nineties. during this generation the Clinton administration was dealing with the impeachment sex-scandal. President Clinton stated that oral sex was not "really sex" this resulted in young americans becoming more comfortable with the idea of sex, and sexual activity. The Sex Generation's more liberal approach to sexual activity resulted in the once conservative culture of the united state becoming more open-minded.
I was born in nineteen-eighty-five, I'm part of The Sex-Generation.
by kanyewasright January 20, 2011
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