When someone abuses perscription amphetamine based drugs for recreational use.
My Bro and I got really focused before the game.

I am so focused.
by L_RiiDE January 13, 2015
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guy 1: hey man you want to go get focused?

guy 2: sure man i could use some focus
by stanley john rudolph March 22, 2008
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When a sport compact (preferably a Ford Focus) cuts you off.
Driver: holy crap that GTI just cut me off!
Passenger: son, you just got FOCUSED!
by Jawn P December 4, 2006
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That beat is focused
by Erik Larson March 15, 2005
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Person who is in a relationship. Generally entails extending the 'not cheating' philosophy to pointing out hot girls to their friends, going to strip clubs, watching porn, making sexist jokes, etc. Similar to being whipped but not as derogatory.
"Hey dude, did you see that girl in the bikini?"
"Nah dude, I'm a focused individual"

"You coming to Goldfingers tonight?"
"Are you kidding? I'm a focused individual, remember?"
by Simbera May 8, 2007
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To be so intensely focused to be as centered as a laser beam; to be dead-on balls accurate. To be so accurately centered on target that you can't miss."
" Dude, I was so laser focused, that I couldn' t miss when I scored the winning basket at last night's basketball game!"
by Teara Nikol November 25, 2015
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Someone who volunteers to sing when surrounded by hot friends (usually when playing rockband) with the objective of getting some sort of action
Jealous Guy 1-"Damn I wish I could sing like Ciaran, he is giving out orgasms over there singing rockband songs"
Jealous Guy 2-"Yeah he seems to be quite the Focused Vocalist"
Jealous Guy 1-"He will be busy tonight"
Jealous Guy 2-"That is for sure"
by C me Rock'er June 9, 2009
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