The rigorous training process undertaken by show fleas before they venture out into the world and join the flea circus.
"Jeremiah, did you practice your fli-flops today? If you don't make it into the circus, we're sending you to college!"
"Yes Mom, quit bugging me. And please don't threaten me like that, parents that bury their children in debt are terrible people."
by turbopony December 14, 2013
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Perform a task really well
Jim: Hey Bob, did you get the inventory updated?

Bob: Hells yeah my brotha, I floss and flied that bitch!
by TJ517 February 4, 2010
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Joe: Hey how are you James? Were you doing somethin' last night?
James: No i was just... Drinking with flies.
by Windzard November 27, 2017
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A person that is a total scank or douche, who swarms around a person who is attractive and intelligent... And may actually get them.
Example 1:

Woman: I went to a party and got trampled by a bunch of hood flies.

Example 2:

Dumb Man: look at that girl over there. She looks like fun.

Smart Man: Don't do it bro. She's a total hood fly.
by Lonely lisa June 10, 2016
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when you get a boner, you say.. " I got a case of the pickle flies!"
you dude, she is soo hot! yeah bro I know she gives me a case of the pickle flies
by lickolotopuss February 21, 2018
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Irish phrase, used to describe someone who lacks any skill in the sport of hurling/ camogie. When referring to Ireland's national sport, one may commonly hear people mention the act of 'pucking' the sliothar (ball) with the hurley, one of the many skills in the game. Pucking is in fact considered to be the sport's most fundamental skill, with any inability to perform this skill essentially dooming a player to failure. In rural Ireland, where hurling is commonly played, it is not uncommon for one to encounter the fecal matter of cows or other animals when strolling through a country field. On closer inspection, one may observe insects such as flies and dung beetles congregating around the fecal matter. The proximity of the flies to the fecal matter is generally such that they would be very easy targets should one feel compelled to swing a hurley in their direction. Thus, for someone to be considered unable to connect with flies in close proximity to a cow's fecal matter, they must be completely lacking in the basic skills of hurling/ camogie.
by Jotinmick December 9, 2018
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