Eye drops help your eyes become moist and makes them nice and smooth for looking at things. They prevent your eyes from itching and scratching, because of the lack of moist.
oil is to a squeaky door as eyeball moistener is to eyes
by whatspoppin008 March 10, 2022
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when you watch something that's perfect or very satisfying and it makes you feel good
when I watched that video it was like ASMR for my eyeballs!
by kkolokotronis July 30, 2022
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An artist that makes disgusting, lewd, and pedophillic content that hurts to look at. This term was invented by Sydney Watson.
"Sidenote, what creeps me out so much was having to look through so much of this bizarre content from this particular artist. or eyeball terrorist"---Sydney Watson
by Eushshtb June 5, 2021
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when someone makes you so mad that you want to literally reach into their skull and slap their eyeballs
If you keep being so passive aggressive with me, boyfriend, i'm going to slap your eyeballs!
by suckmyballsacks69 December 23, 2017
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Someone described as a stupid person. Very stupid.
???: you Eyeball Creature! You tried to snatch my Enderman Doll.
Becky: I didn’t mean to..
by snatcher October 11, 2019
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When you splash the tip of your Johnson with a dab of habañero hot sauce, and then proceed to poke your mate in the eyeball.
Let me tell you… Last night I went out to the local pub with the intent of playing billiards, and I received a Mexican eyeball massage from the softest local pirate. He had hair like a lady.
by Hunky bear junior June 18, 2022
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To estimate a quantity of something, usually drugs, based on sight and without a scale or measuring instrument. Sometimes another object, such as a coin, is used as reference to compare the size of the stash with what the true amount is or should be.
Jack: 'Dude, how much kush do we have left?'
Will: 'From Eyeballing it, I'm guessing we have a little over an eighth left.'
by escalin_ow July 28, 2022
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