A substance that makes a recruiter recruit better than a person who is filling a picker packer role. Without a healthy cup of Perm Juice one cannot wheel in the big fishes and build Gnar Rapport
Hector forgot to drink his Perm Juice today and its like 4pm and he has 35 mins of phone time
by Wegeasy November 25, 2008
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Pussy perm” - A term of art — specifically used in past era of feminine hygiene where full grown female pubic hair was common practice and the social norm — meaning a redundant unnecessary action which achieves the same in result as was already in existence before occurrence of such action.
A: Did you observe John vacuuming his car’s interior directly after returning from getting a full and incredibly detailed exterior and interior carwash?

B: Yes that is so redundant and unnecessary.
A: Indeed. What he is doing is a total pussy perm.
by EasyEsq December 11, 2022
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The state of being in the room while two people are fucking (usually one of the two is losing virginity).
Fuck! I've been permmed! My friends Avery and Ashley are fucking right next to me! :(
by Spartanddawgs1 September 24, 2019
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Will goof, boof, and speak the truf. Perm Brian comes out when the party needs some energy and will call you out if you ain’t ratchet enough. Warning: may cause loss of sleep
Oh shit, Perm Brian coming out to play. Get them pinkies ready
by Labius Maximus November 23, 2021
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male homosexual partners have the chance of a permutation of three. viz.
1. partner A. foreskin partner B. no foreskin
2. partner A. foreskin partner B. foreskin
3. partner A no foreskin partner B. no foreskin
steven minced in "hi duckies, alec's got a new partner""perm three?" questioned kevin "not likely" retorted steven "he's gone and got himself a bloody gnome"
by theWestHamfan December 10, 2003
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When twirling ones hair so tightly that it creates a permanent curl that even Jerry would be jealous of.
She twisted my locks so tight that I knew it was perming time
by ScruffMcGruffs November 15, 2021
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