Amsing Jorabat is an area in Guwahati inpopular for its lawlessness. It is ruled by a student studying in a public school btw(lmao)

When once asked by his teacher for his home address bro said "Satgaon, Amsing Jorabat". Quite intriguing personality yeah?

Well anyways, this phrase can be used to threaten someone to meet in Amsing Jorabat and beat em up using that student's(the Ruler of Amsing Jorabat) gang members(quite literally the entire population of Amsing Jorabat btw).

Never underestimate a guy who says "Amsing Jorabat mein mil baal" cause they're definitely to be taken for granted(or rather, that's what they would wish for you to do so).
Example: "Amsing Jorabat mein mil baal, waha hi gaar dega"
(Come meet me in Amsing Jorabat , we'll bury you there)
by kururin_lover August 8, 2023
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A better version of Hitlers book Mein Kampf

(It contains pictures)
I wanna read mein dampf
by xdalton March 13, 2020
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englische: my.
Der Yippeekreatur: "Mein Gott leute!"
by Sxanu Random Dude October 3, 2023
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Both German and Afghan, describing 'my special one' and 'my life long'. Someone who you love beyond the multi-verse.
by Wisdom of Lan November 12, 2018
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A Meine is a hot blonde king, he is also gay.
Oh my god did you hear that hot blonde guy is gay? Yeah, he's such a Meine
by Heeheeheehaw_ClashRoyale November 22, 2021
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a) a German phrase meaning "glory to my white culture"
b) what a WASP says in order to point out their contempt for the behavior of a chimney-sweep.
Ehre mein weiBen kultur, where the weiBen is pronounced like the English verb 'to wisen', is not an offensive term by itself, only when it is misused; anyone, regardless of race or ethnic group, should be proud of their own culture to some extent.
by Sexydimma February 8, 2015
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glory to my white culture, as translated from Nazi German/German
Does Angela Merkel even know what Ehre mein weiBen kultur means, when it comes to integrating immigrants into German society?
by Sexydimma August 3, 2016
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