The bill of the duck that is used to preform the brutal pounding.
"Boys, your in the presents of the new duck fuck bill"
by 9tailboys April 14, 2019
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Hey bra you gonna stay with that girl? Naw imma do like Biggie Smalls said and fuck em and duck em
by bigmac652014 November 2, 2010
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uttered only when your frustrated or pissed off
Bob: do u remember the last time u saw my wallet?

Fred: ya i think u left it in the cinema

Bob: now you tell me?...fuck fuck in the duck duck suck!!
by motherfucking mike June 19, 2008
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A promiscuous woman with either webbed feet, extremely flat feet, or feet that push out. She loves her some cock. Available at any hour of the day at the local "pond" better known as the bar. Old people like to throw bread at her to sober her up- she just throws it back and scream "fuck you geezer faggat!"
I'm drunk AND horny- let's go get a fine ass fuck-duck.

My fucking girlfriend just fucking cheated on me. TIme to go get a fuck-duck!
by HOFFmanME! November 30, 2011
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Guy one: look at that bird having sex with that other bird
Guy two: he’s definitely a fuck duck for sure
by Frick boi >:3 May 7, 2019
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when you have sex with you significant other then break up with them a few hours after
have u heard about bob and rachel?
yeh he did a fuck and duck!!
by Midgit101 July 3, 2019
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