pretentious. particularly about showing affection or being dedicated in a romantic relation
I seriously used to think that jake loved me , but he turned out to be such a floop.
by Rifatshaheb June 9, 2020
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When an axolotl flicks it's gills backwards to get freshly oxygenated water.
I could watch my axolotl floop his gills for hours, it's almost mesmerizing!
by Rosielotl August 21, 2019
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Floop is a type of poop. Floop is very creamy and chunky at the same time! Floop is edible and a lot of people eat it, it is the best food ever! If you are named Jocelyn you will love Floop! Don't think think that Floop is Flowem (WHICH IS BANANA PEAL).
Lola "Hey Jocelyn I just Flooped, want any?"
Jocelyn " OFC I LOVE FLOOP!"
by ~Ratituie~ January 13, 2021
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verb: to floop (infinitive form): to cup your hand, fart in it and put it in another persons face
That floop that he just gave me was thick and smelly.
by David Mariz January 27, 2010
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When you drive around with your friends and drink from a bottle of Tequila.
We all went Bloop Flooping this weekend in the Honda, awesome time.
by Roger Mikey October 28, 2018
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Getting man handled by the N00B PWNRS
Damn man! The N00B PWNRS absolutely Flooped us!!
by 69MrStealYoGurl69 February 21, 2020
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You all WISH you could be a Floof Pop!”
by Kink __master__ June 7, 2020
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