When you and someone are doing the fanickling of the pickle and they hit that point of pure imagination and Willy Wonka comes and gives you a chocolate bar with the golden ticket inside and then they just lose it
“omg what did you just do” - Person A

“I just razzle dazzled in your golden treasure” -Person B
by willywonka2k18 July 3, 2019
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to either give a hand job with your feet or to “toe” someone
he was trying to give me to ole razzle dazzle at the party discreetly
by shawdy4206969 November 16, 2022
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my strat was to hide in a corner and kill someone, then move to the other side of the room so when they came for revenge I got em with ol' razzle dazzle a second time
by Queueuntillyoudie January 18, 2018
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(A.K.A. razzled) verb. - to lead a person into thinking you'll do something for them if you hadn't already made plans when in fact, without those plans, you would have never volunteered. many do this in hopes of tricking a friend into thinking they are better than they truly are. This is not to be confused with simply saying you'll do something and then backing out.
"He told you that he'd help you move IF he wasn't going to visit his grandma in the hospital? That guy's worthless, he definitely razzle dazzled you."
by SteveEB November 9, 2012
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