Test to apply to movies. Does a scene with two women: last more than 4 minutes? And do they refrain from talking about men in that time?
Did "Lincoln" pass the Gertrude test? Did "Gentlemen Prefer Blonds" pass the Gertrude test? Did "A League of their Own" pass the Gertrude test?
by Gal Friday January 12, 2014
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when you sneak into the bookstore and remove the barcode
i was just testing the books Mr Krabs
by I'm in 9th grade February 13, 2018
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When you want to see if a cover of Fireflies is good, so you skip to the part where they sing "I like to make my self believe, that planet Earth turns slowly".
Guy 1: What're you doing?

Guy 2: I'm looking for a cover of Fireflies to listen to, but they all suck.

Guy 1: Well just do The Planet Earth Test to get faster results.
by OctopusProbably October 24, 2022
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is word for teste
teste is teste
by _anonymous_96 November 24, 2021
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The definition of the Lebowski test.

When you meet someone you don't know at a party/gathering/wedding etc and they start with the small talk, ask them one question. "So you ever seen the big Lebowski" if they say yes, and say the movie sucked, politely thank them and walk away knowing the person has no sense of humour or taste in movies , and that you don't want anything to do with said person. I they say its awesome, then you have endless things to talk about.
The definition of the Lebowski test.

Person A: Hey man, some party huh.

Person B: Yeah, great party.

Person A: So you ever seen the big lebowski?

Person B: Yeah, what a piece of shit right? I dont get why people like that movie.

Person A: Sure sure, so have a good night, i gotta go. (Failed lebowski test)
by ThatsElduderino April 22, 2021
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