When a Male/Female gives a Male a foot job with athletes foot.
I think kristy wants to give me a Tallahassee Swamp Footer.
by N1T3AL November 29, 2020
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A large owl with large yellow eyes and a wing span of a hawk. It has long legs and has been known to pick up small dogs and attack humans as necessary. There are only eye witness results thus far so there are no pictures, but they have been spotted in Parts of Ohio including Salem andHowland
The junical-swamp owl ate my pug.
by Christine Rivallo May 31, 2008
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When u been fingering a girl so long that ur fingers go wrinkly. Like when ur in the bath to long
Boy: I was at Jenny's house last night got mad swamp fingers
by Suck my nan July 24, 2017
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jason: did javier pull a swamp to the party?
george: yeah , he really pulled a swamp what a random
by Monocyte February 20, 2018
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On a hot day, when sweat has accumulated down your ass crack, you drop your pants slightly and have someone blow air straight down your cheeks causing an evaporative cooler effect resulting an immediate drop in body temperature.
Tom was getting close to having a heat stroke so he had Tammy hook him up with a Boulder Highway Swamp Cooler to cool him off.
by John Baggins June 18, 2022
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When you take your sweaty ass from a hard day of work and rub your asshole across somones nose
holy shit man i got swamp nosed last night when i passed out
by ChevyDmax69 July 22, 2008
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