songs that are required with a great and loud sounding bass. (Mostly rap)
Break up - Mario ft. Gucci Mane is a song that would fit into the category of mad bumps
by DDP3 August 6, 2009
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when someone in the same room says or does something awesome and you want to give them a fist bump but are too lazy to go over to them, so you fist bump the other people around you until someone fist bumps the person intended to recieve the fist bump.
James: Remember when Steve burped the alphabet and did cartwheels at the same time?

Freddy: Yeah man, I gave him a chain fist bump for his excellence.
by AmbyMT December 6, 2010
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when a homeless dude comes up to on bourbon street trying to sell you cocaine and you ‘test’ a bump in a bathroom then bolt
Yeah, we managed to do 3 bourbon bumps last night.
by cmcosmic June 17, 2023
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When you see a homie that you have not seen in awhile and you go in for pseudo hug, but one of you shifts your footing and you accidently bump your hang downs.
John sees mike..
john: hey bro
mike: sup fool!
(dudes go in for a bro hug)
Mike: damn bro, you just lost your footing and package bumped me!
john: my bad, son
by dmoney1979 August 2, 2013
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Taking a small or quick dose of any type of drug.
" Hey bro, you wanna smoke out when we get off work tonight?"

" Ahh man, I gotta work late but if you wanna load me a bump I could take it real quick on my break"
by JackoTacko March 14, 2018
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A drug of sorts, similar to cocaine which is ingested through the nostrils.
Bump after bump after bump after bump; motherfucker, you had a blocked nose for a month.
by Colm123 August 26, 2017
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people who are too dumb to understand donnie darko
niamh is such a bump, hahah lol penis
by donniedarkofan69sex November 3, 2020
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