Look, a thing! Don't like it? Try it in a different place, at a different Time(TM).

It's a thing.
James-"Sorry I'm late, I had to sort out a thing some time ago."
Michael-*Turning dramatically*
Michael-"But what is time?"
*Vsauce music*
by Some Person Called Rimor December 18, 2019
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When someone doesn't put an apostrophe on "thing's" to make it a contraction of "Thing" and "is", so they type the plural version of "thing", possibly confusing other people in the process.
Person 1: Dude, that things going to the moon!

Person 2: It's one thing.

Person1:Yeah, I know.

Person 2: God damn it, you're supposed to say "thing's", not "things", that's just confusing.
by BowserFromSonic July 16, 2019
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When someone doesn't put an apostrophe on "thing's" to make it a contraction of "Thing" and "is", so they type the plural version of "thing", possibly confusing other people in the process.
Person 1: Dude, that things going to the moon!

Person 2: It's one thing.

Person1:Yeah, I know.

Person 2: God damn it, you're supposed to say "thing's", not "things", that's just confusing.
by BowserFromSonic July 16, 2019
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Something that you look upon very fondly. An announcement/news that gets one excited.
“Dude Will Price just won the lottery and said he’s paying for a guys trip to Vegas.”

by Yourthings June 14, 2022
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something you call when you forget what the thing is
hey dad pass me that thingy thing please
by Liky H January 22, 2022
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a pretty self-explanatory phrase, going off of it be like that sometimes, things be ways describes an occurrence in life that just happens.
"Did you hear about Jimmy? apparently he committed tax fraud"
"Things be ways man"

"it be like that don't it?"
"things be ways don't they?"
by tubing December 3, 2019
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an area to put things for other not to find
hey lisa do you know where the cheat sheet is "yeah i hid it in the wall so the teachers don't find it."

a good place to hide things
by 13975 March 27, 2021
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