After smoking copious amounts of cannabis (note: not actually stoned) a person may feel "Stoopid" as their brain is still clouded from the effects of the ganja.
Student 1: "Mr. Teacher is pretty off the ball today huh"
Student 2: "I think he is just feeling a little stoopid"
by The Boaby March 19, 2012
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used when you’re calling someone stupid and acting stupid yourself.
person 1: tomatoes are blue!
person 2: are you stoopid?
by roach in da corner November 10, 2019
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when someone or somthing is too goofy or annyoing to handle this phrase is mostly used among men of latin refrence.
Man thats it you better shut yo stoopid ass
by The other smart boi December 6, 2021
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Stoopid is different that stupid cause someone who is just strait-up dumb is stupid. But if ur or someone else is stoopid...Fuck. it's not a good thing. it means ur as dumb as hell and you have no idea what is going on.
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