The combination of specks and spots on a person or animals face
You have spocks

Your spocks are disgusting!
by Dominic P #1 October 28, 2009
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Synonym of "swot up". Meaning to learn something about- to study- or to research- a specific subject intensively, often as revision before an exam. Basically, to educate yourself.

Named for the intelligent, scientific Star Trek character Spock.
I should spock up on my geography before going travelling.

You should spock up on... well, everything... before you open your mouth, Sarah Palin.
by busy-spocking-up June 6, 2011
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A term used when a couple pleasures each others privates. The term originates from when a young man stood behind a cardboard cutout of Spock and cut out a area in the pants to insert his privates.
Male " hey babe I got a homerun in baseball tonight "
Female " gosh dear that's great!"
Male " can I have a Spock treatment?"
Female " sure!"
by Sportsbra33 December 31, 2011
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similar to the original shocker
except you put two in the pink
and two in the stink.
"dude that girl is going to live long and prosper, I gave her the spock shock last night. "
by xsamxriverax August 4, 2007
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The raised/pointed eyebrows you get from someone when you are saying something stupid or foolish, similar to that of Mr. Spock from Star Trek. A face people make when you are talking out of your ass, much like the famous Volcan often gave his shipmates aboard the Enterprise.
A facial expression of skepticism, cynicism, or contempt for another's stupidity or foolishness.
I was trying to impress a girl at the party, but she was just giving me the Spock eyebrows the whole time.

Every time I try to sound intelligent I get the Spock eyebrows from people.
by Brydog79 January 18, 2017
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The act of squeezing your dads nipples so hard that goat cheese comes out.
My dad was being a dick to me last night so i made him eat his own spickle spock
by goose frabba April 2, 2009
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Days when nothing seems to go right, as if you have had a transporter accident and beamed into a parallel universe where everything is harsher, more vile, and more difficult. Just as you begin to wonder why you seem to be so out of sync with things, you notice that Spock has a beard.
You are headed to work by the route you take every day, but the buses are running off schedule, so suddenly you are running late. Then you find that your usual coffee spot got burned down in the riots the night before. You get to the train to find that your usual train has broken down, so there are almost double the passengers on the next one, and you have to stand all the way. Finally, you get to work to find your boss is pissed that you missed the morning meeting that you didn't get the notice for yesterday anyway. And so it goes all day. Finally, you get home, crack a beer, switch on the tube, and only old re-runs of Star Trek are playing, but you notice that Spock has a beard.
by morbidius June 17, 2011
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