When someone watches too much CNN and fake news to the point where they sacrifice their rational thinking and evaluation of information to the point in which they protest shouting gobbledygook information, which has no rationale behind it in most cases, or very little. When asked how so or why you'll usually get told in broad generalities or blatant lies i.e.

Person 1: Fuck trump
person 2: whats bad about trump
person 1: everything
person 2: well if everything is bad then you should easily be able to tell me 3 things
person 1:*walks away*
"Donald trump is worse than hitler" is a very very good example of irrational liberal's gobbledygook rant syndrome, cmmon now 0 people have been subjected to genocide from trump, while hitler subjected 6 million+ people to genocide.

Ben Shapiro is a fascist, is a good example of Antifa's Gobbledygook Rant Syndrome in play.
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When in the midst of a conversation, one participant goes into a random, unprovoked rant about President Obama.
You should have heard my father's R.O.R. random Obama rant last night. During dinner, for no apparent reason, he stood up and shouted, "That President Obama has a fake birth certificate!"
by tripp1009 January 28, 2014
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A long, philosophical rant of advice, usually about emotions, feelings, or life events, given by someone who is usually deep and wise, like Yoda from Star Wars.
I asked her for relationship advice and she went off on this whole Yoda Rant about the true meaning of love and all that stuff.
by Otternugget ;D March 12, 2013
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When, upon hearing someone's comments that enrage you, you cannot restrain yourself from verbally launching into a tirade of self opinionated abuse towards that individual to your present company of family/friends etc. in a way that becomes tedious to all around you.
The doorman refused our sisters entry to the club because she was not 'their type of customer' . She ruined everyone's night by Tranting ( Trump Ranting) nonstop . ( She knew Jeans were not allowed )
by Juggledonuts August 16, 2017
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So fat and he has so many fat rolls that it stinks so much like he literally has shit saints on his pants you are fat so Geary fat
I hate fat bitch Cole rant
by Pineapple peanut October 10, 2021
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So fat he literally is at the back of the bus and ways it down and when he makes sexy time he poop shit fart you are so gay
Cole rant fat
by Pineapple peanut October 10, 2021
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some shit that you do when your tired of scrubbing weird bubbly shit all over your body
Michael during his shower rant: *scrubbing his penis* So, what's the point of time machines if the only cause harm?
by Stupid Af July 15, 2021
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