n. A feeling of despair felt as a result of the failure of one's favourite team etc. The failure is felt on a deeply personal level despite one's lack of contribution.

Yo. What's with the black armband.

I just feel so terrible today. I thought I gave it all I had. I tried to leave everything on the couch. I wore my team jersey, painted my face, bought a bumper sticker. I should have done more. I feel like I've let everybody down.

It's just proxy let down my man. Next season get some vintage jerseys for your kids and a recliner in the team colours.
by gnostic 1 February 3, 2013
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When a girl makes herself seem more attractive by hanging around with ugly and/or fat "friends".
Bob: Man, I thought that chick was so hot, but without her friends, she's fugly.

Joe: Yeah man, she's HBP - Hot By Proxy.
by Famek July 4, 2009
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A meat eater who acts like a vegan in the company of women. 9 times out of 10 it is a pussyw hipped man who is being castrated via veganation.
Are you a vegan?

I'm Vegan by proxy.

what the hell is that?

I'm a vegan when she is around.

by g3Cartel May 14, 2009
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Mental disorder in which a mother deliberately creates narcissism in her daughter to gain attention for herself.
All the moms on Toddlers & Tiaras exhibit some degree of Munchkin Syndrome by Proxy.
by Robin L. June 3, 2010
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A proxy at Kavra's Kingdom is someone who manages the servers. Most low ranks don't know who they are at all. At proxy rank you get much taller than you were from helper and also much skinnier. Being a Proxy is a very hard job. We look up to proxies, well at least some of them.
Helper 1:"She became a Kavra's Kingdom proxy she's much skinnier now"
Helper 2:"I guess she will take more responsibility "
Proxy 1:"Hi guys"
-Both of them look up-
by Kavra's Kingdom dictionary November 6, 2020
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The act of telling somebody to lower their voice via the use of another person, typically over text.
Jane and Bob are having a heated discussion in Paul's office while he is trying to work. Paul sends an SMS to Sam (Jane's boyfriend who lives out of state) asking Sam to text Jane to tell her to shut up because she's talking too loudly. Jane has been asked to shut up by proxy.
by middy_pn March 12, 2014
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The act of drunkenly communicating with someone indirectly on Facebook, either by posting to a mutual friend's page or updating your status. Typically occurs after fights or break-ups.
Tom: What's up with Kristen's Facebook status? It says "Can't believe how things work out sometimes... Guess some people can never make up their minds."

Jane: She's drunk-facebooking by proxy. She just wants to show Will she thinks their break-up is his fault.

Tom: Is that what she was doing yesterday when her status said something about drinking away her troubles?

Jane: Exactly. You have sure mastered the meaning of drunk-facebooking by proxy
by allegrad July 1, 2009
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