A pretty good school that has mediochre facilities and should be turned into an awesome paintball site. It is also called LNDS for short but that is just a bit gay!
Weird guy: Hey! Do you go to Lingfield Notre Dame School?
Weird Student: Yeah I do!
Weird guy: What's it like?
Weird Student: Well it recently had a pedo walking round the site, randomly talking to people and suspiciously watching them whilst hiding in nearby trees and hedges!
Weird guy: That was me!!
by ShaneMcDo September 17, 2011
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Notre Dame-Cathedral Latin is a Catholic, co-educational, college preparatory school, sponsored by the Sisters of Notre Dame in Munson Township, Ohio. Like Mary, who gave Christ to the world, NDCL educates leaders who transform the world, as Jesus did, by living the truth in love. But after all that is said, NDCL is just another high school filled with cliques and chicks, jocks, geeks, and druggies. They pretend to be tougher than they actually are. There is no such thing as secrecy at NDCL, and if you slept with some guy everyone will know about it the next morning. Most people are fake, and the remainder of the real people are the ones who are have no friends. Their mascot is the lion, but they're just scared pussies.
Person 1: "My parents made me go to Notre Dame-Cathedral Latin"
Person 2: "I'm sorry. They must hate you."
by Anonomous1029384756 January 22, 2013
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A great movie that by disney, it deals with dark themes and some scary things, but it's a heartwarming tale of an ugly man who grows to overcome his hideous face and horrible master. Also is one of the few movies that didn't fuck up the sequel.
Bob: did you see The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996) last night?

Tom: yes, I cried 37 times.
by Selké the great April 11, 2015
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To get together with another person of the opposite sex, either in a random or repeatable setting - in which the two people partake in any amount of physical contact that DOES NOT include having sexual intercourse.
"Tonight with Sarah, I'm gonna hookup Notre Dame Style."


"I don't want to sleep with him, I just want to hookup Notre Dame Style"
by Chelsea and Kelsey July 29, 2008
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An all boys catholic high school where most guys here are stupid enough to shmack on something that looks like a flash drive. If you are a thicc boy then you are prone to getting your ass slapped about 50 times a day (if you are lucky maybe even get your dick grab ;). If your hair is only a little over your eyebrows you will get a J.U.G (Justice Under God). Don’t use the bathroom after lunch time there will shit and piss everywhere (one time some middle eastern kid named armon shit in the urinal). But GO DONS
Hey do you go to Notre Dame College Prep

Haha lol you gay
by Tersonca October 23, 2019
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NDA is the same as everyother all-girl school. Theyre all a bunch of fuckin fake drunk barbies with the small exception of a few who have taken a shovel to the face, and all of whom dont put out......so they cant be considered whores. You cant distinguish them from any other all girl school
"OMG me and my five friends are wasted after sharin a 12oz water bottle of suposed vodka"
by go fek urself March 26, 2005
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The place where the spanish teacher can have an affair with a student and still keep his job and no one questions it. They have no concept of what heat is
by LEmurz69 February 6, 2018
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