Greek name. Describes someone who gets less than no bitches and is proud. Generally, can be found within a Haefliger. Likes to play with and around balls. Occasionally fucks around and gets prostate exams (again with no bitches).
Child "Hey mom what is that man doing?"
Mom "It's rude to point"
Child "But mom he's got no bitches"
Mom "Yes I know he's a Marios. Now let's get your prostate exam"
Child *Moans*
by kimo26 June 7, 2022
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Marios is someone that will try and flex on you in every posible way and he will do it in a sneaky manor that way you want notice it by the way he uses phrases like ''papapap ez clap fige re'' and ''ela edw re poustraki na sou gamhso ligo'' or even ''re pios eimai ante gia o mounogamias ths gitonias''
Hey you know marios?

That guy that just says papapap all the time?

Yeah Him

He is such an asshole isnt he?
by Nai Poios Einai ? October 23, 2019
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He Is A Spanish Man Who Says OHH JELLY
by ohhjellyman July 3, 2019
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Sex Move for the ages.
A girl gives you head and while she's down there you cum on her upper lip then when she looks up you pull out some pubic hairs and "Glue" them to her upper lip giving her a mustache, or a Mario
by Hugo Cox November 3, 2009
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