When you roll all the windows up in a car after getting fast food in order to fully intake the smell of your food
It was such a nice day out, but when I got Wendy's you know i had that fastfood hotbox session before demolishing those fries at home.
by Doodoobutt69 February 20, 2017
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Russian hotboxing:
Putting a bottle of vodka into a humidifier in order to get drunk
I did some Russian hotboxing with my friends yesterday. I got hella wasted and ruined my humidifier
by Nowhed December 4, 2020
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An Oregon Hotbox, is hotboxing (smoking in a enclosed space) that takes place in a van, similar to what would occur when stoners take trip into the great outdoors.
"Dude, how are we gonna smoke? It's too cold outside."
"Oregon Hotbox dude"
by IsThisNameTakenAlready? March 28, 2016
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The act of getting killed by the smoke/chemical fumes of a industrial accident. Named for the multitude of industrial accidents that have occurred in the area around Houston, Texas.
Person 1: My man got Houston Hotboxed in that plant fire
Person 2: And that's why a house next to a chemical plant is a bad idea
by inhaleball April 8, 2021
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Similar to an Indian hotbox, except it's when you and the lads eat too many tacos and turn that car into a heaping cloud of swamp ass.
"Holy shit Taylor you better slow down on that Taco Bell, or were gunna be in for a stank Mexican hotbox later.
by Tightassnoswass August 24, 2016
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When two or more individuals engage in the activity of releasing flatulence in a contained area, where breathable oxygen is being increasingly displaced by the foul odor, hence resulting in a toxic air-space.
Man, we are like hotboxing your Volvo, it's probably from that Taco Bell we had.
by Lance the Ranger October 30, 2019
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For whatever reason, a Malboro Hotbox is achieved when a person smokes cigarettes, of any brand, in a car with the windows up.
"Smells like a Malboro Hotbox in here"
"Yeah it was too cold to open a window"
by Dorgarr July 4, 2022
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