A slang term taking on the meaning of any sexual act and is derived from the last name "Hobbs".
John: Hey Alex, stop hobbing off over there!
by Eric Hobbs February 12, 2008
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Cockney rhyming slang for ‘fob’ as in watch fob. Sometimes used is rap or slang as ‘kettle’ meaning watch
Need to get me a new kettle and hob’
by ms11? July 25, 2023
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A man who jumps from woman to woman when he breaks up with one. He also usually has a very high ego and usually discriminates on a minority.
Guy 1 : "I just broke up with my girlfriend because I found out she doesn't work out at the gym!"
Guy 2 : "Wow, you are such a Hob Tropper!"
by flyflyfly777 February 2, 2023
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past tense: HOBB; past participle: HOBB

Meaning closed or unavailable. Stems from the infrequent opening hours of House of Bagels.
You mean it’s HOBB again?”

Could you HOB that door for me?”
by Dissatisfied Baker June 28, 2022
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A hypebeast fob, “hype of the boat
Look at the hob walking over there
by Frikyodrip November 28, 2021
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Harlot of Babylon. A mythological female figure and also place of evil mentioned in the Book of Revelation in the Bible. Used to describe someone vulgar or rude.
Why won't that HOB give us a break, dammit!
by LoveforHarambe November 12, 2017
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