Clique of people who are memebers to a gym, attend the gym at lunchtime, usually uses protein booster, interested in the way their body looks, competetive, vain, sarcastic, thinks their ''well hard''.
You dont wanna mess with them heroes.
Were buff/tonk/well 'ard
by Dizzer_b February 24, 2008
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This person takes unique to a new level. You see him or her think DAMN. Fucking hero. They do whatever the fuck they want. Almost inspiring!
Kanye West (during taylor swift's speech) was a hero for interrupting the speech.
by God444541 September 14, 2010
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A man or woman that is good in bed and is their partners best thing in the world because they are so good!
by Sabian June 3, 2004
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A person who learns that he or she has been fired, laid-off, or otherwise eliminated from employment by virtue of an email or memo detailing how great their service to the company has been.
Joe learned that he had become an hero when the big boss sent everyone an email thanking him for the great job he'd done for the company and wishing him well on his future endeavors.
by hot east August 1, 2012
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A person who is admired for his/her courage, bravery, passion, and noble qualities.
"He is such a hero. He protected me and made sure I was okay."
"My hero, Raj, is the bravest person I know"
by Nachos4U July 16, 2015
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1.Hero can be some one u admire
2. some one ur fond of

3. An abreviasion!
1. Enistine is my HERO

2. Bob is my hero

3. heroic entertainers retro organizers (H.e.r.o.)
by ADD March 30, 2005
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Someone of the lower social hierarchy order who adopts the "ways of a HERO" in order to make themselves look the social icon they dream to be. The first two known HEROs were CP and MEAT. Of course the whole HERO buisness was intended to be facetious and 'put on' but CP never quite saw it that way.
"The two HEROs met up at the Local HERO for a rogue one."
by dw March 23, 2003
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