One of the seven dwarfs... the cheerful one.
I rear-ended a car at lunch today. The driver gets out and, OMG! he's a dwarf. He comes up to my car and declares, "I am NOT happy!!" So I said, "Okay....So which one are you?"
by hinder90 February 9, 2008
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A word used to describe someone who has dopamine released in the brain at the moment, To show this, they will smile, and do many more things the happier they get.
I'm so happy today.
by TheCraken October 28, 2015
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Happiness is not a thing. You can never find happiness for it does not exist. Any one "happy" is just at a lesser point of sadness.
There is no way to explain happiness for no one know what it is.
by Whatishappiness April 12, 2019
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Simply an e-motion (energy in motion) just like all other phenomena that arise through the body floating above the natural human undercurrent of peace. As with all energies in motion it comes and goes. Some idiots a while ago figured they'd screw with mankind and make them think that a certain emotion was better than all the others. I mean really come on guys how stupid did they think people we were? Oh wait.
Muskrat: Hey Ravi are you happy? I'm sort of sad because my muskrat jelly just got stolen.

Ravi: Dude man, you can't define your emotions just follow Buddha's teachings bro you'll realize your true peaceful nature eventually.
by MirroringAwareness March 1, 2010
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happy means
1)favored by luck or fortune
2)notably fitting, effective, or well adapted
3)enjoying or characterized by well-being and contentment
4)expressing or suggestive of happiness
5)having or marked by an atmosphere of good fellowship
those r the meanings of happy
now these r the better meanings of happy
happy= 4 guys= boner
girls= iono
this guy felt very happy after ma cuzin flashed him :)
by MOItttcrulesMOI July 17, 2004
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