A Cross Country team of amazing awesomeness that are the 2007 and 2008 section 5 class C champions. Also along with all the amazing races ran by this team they have even more crazy, wild, fun adventures.
"Hey did you hear the Pembroke Cross Country team brought rock bank to play in their hotel room at states?"

"Yeah man those guys run like crazy and are awesome!"
by greeceodyssey September 5, 2009
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When a girl jacks off two johnsons simultaneously so fucking fast it looks like she is in Northern Vermont trekking through 8ft of powder.
Did you see Rease at the rugby party last night, she didnt move from her seat on the couch all night, she must have been cross country skiing for miles sitting there
by thatyoung1 June 9, 2009
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Basic, timed medium distance running events held over semi-rough, off-road terrain. Due to the limited popularity of the sport, most cross country "athletes" tend to think of themselves as elite and superior to individuals who partake in other sports. Unfortunately for them, this is never really the case, seeing as most other sports involve grueling daily practice oftentimes on top of frequent roadwork of equal or greater distance. However, a cross country "athlete" will never admit this. Vast majority of participants didn't have the hand eye coordination for baseball, the explosiveness and sheer physical strength for football and rugby, reaction time and accuracy for soccer, the physical toughness and tenacity for wrestling, the stamina and adaptability of triathletes, and the combination of all aforementioned qualities required for boxing, MMA and other such combat sports.
"Dude, us Cross country runners are hard core, we do fucking 3.1 miles per race, and sometimes run up to 8 miles per day!"

"I scoff at just how physically pathetic you are, not only do you lack the stamina of a marathon runner or even those who do half marathons, you're also stick thin and have a laughable musculature. Why don't you try a real sport for once, at least you wouldn't look like a skeleton with sleeves."
by IoutrunXCerS October 15, 2011
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Getting a full beer and chugging in with your friends that may be miles away, while on the phone.
Guy 1 in California calls Guy 2 in Philadelphia:
"Hey Buddy, I miss you guys. I have a full beer time for a Cross Country Chug."

Guy 2: "Hey everyone, Guy 2's on the phone Cross Country Chug"
by San Fran April 3, 2007
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It is a tough demanding sport that was invented in the late 1800 as a way for gay men who, at the time, were opressed, to gather in the wild and share their gay pride with one another. Traditionaly every cross country ski trip would end with a hotel room rental up north and a violent sausage fest before having to go back to their normal lives. The sport has however changed today. now they use wooden boards that they strap to their feet. In motion, the skiier is moving his hands in a handjob-like fashion which is no mistake, it is to honor the gay men that skied before them. the sausage fest however is still practiced among all cross country skiers and it is here to stay.
look at that nerd over there with his oxford shoes, he forsure goes cross country skiing on his free time

his father was married and had a family but decided he would become a cross country skier.
by snoopy360 November 25, 2012
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A bunch of idiots who think it is fun to run far distances, in all kinds of weather and terrain, all in short shorts.
"Look at those stupid cross country runners running on the sidewalk!"
by Walrus500 April 19, 2010
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Ventura Cross Country Prep; as in the school. The mission of the academy is to brainwash its members into thinking that they are better than everyone else on the planet. This group is often judged by their red hammer and sickle socks--and rightfully so, as they oftentimes function in a cult-like manner. Most of them don't actually like their school, just being on the XC Team. There are a few nice kids, but the majority have been slowly manipulated and have therefore lost any signs of goodness. They are only friends with each other plus a few select honorary attendees of said academy.
"OMG look at that sea of red! Who IS that? And where did all of the nice cross country boys go? OH YEAH, they don't exist here anymore, cuz they go to Ventura Cross Country Prep! OBVS!"
by shessocold March 19, 2007
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