A derogatory term for Canadians. From Canadia.
That Mountie was a total moose chucker. "Beaver crossing" my frozen, polite ass, eh.
by Generic User the Nth March 9, 2011
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When you thrown a vile of cum into another persons face. Chimdale may or may not be a real place it will always be a mystery. Their stories of cum throwing have been being told for centuries. The Chimdale Chuckers is who invented this glorious term
Bro did you see Dave give Francis the Chimdale Chucker at the party the other night !
by Chimdale Chuck March 22, 2022
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Generally a fuck wit that blows innocent people up in the name of God thinking they will get into heaven with a bunch of virgins they can fuck. They are also generally window lickers that are easily led without much of brain.
Did you hear about that guy that blew all those innocent people up? Apparently the bomb chucker Thought killing innocent woman and children was was going to get him into heaven, unfortunanlty he will burn in hell.
by Flat stick August 16, 2016
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A derogatory term for a indo/asian person. It derives from the term "spear chucker" for black people.
That phillipino guy is such a pacific spear chucker!
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Male Cheerleader who throws chicks around all day.
Person 1: Man i'm crazy jealous of that guy over there.
Person 2: Yeah he gets to touch those sexy girls all day, he must be a Chick Chucker.
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