The annoying word that you use when you accidentally misclick the letter i when typing the word bitch
Wow stop being such a botch

Oh crap bitch**
by Ya boy chucky March 12, 2018
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To butcher profoundly with your fist or feet.
I'm gonna botch your up later, punk.
by Meh March 24, 2004
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mine and kylas thing , a bitch but a nicer ways to say it and are little joke that everyone stole :)
i love you botch 🥺💞
by lucyyyy :) January 23, 2021
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Male version of a bitch

by l3alima l9adira lmota2ali9a firdaous
Oh My GoD! gUyS aFtEr MiDnIgHt BeCoMe SuCh BoTcHeS!!!
by Drale_987 January 16, 2022
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A male dog instead of saying bitch to a guy you say Botch
"Bro Samuel Lindo is such a Botch"
by Mohartmerd December 2, 2020
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Botch is when a girl is getting fucked by every guy in the same room. “ if you bout da botchery, come thru
“Yo you down to botch this bitch this weekend”
“Ya who’s joining in tho”
by Pirg November 3, 2018
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