A ginger black man that had his heart broken by a girl, which at best is 2/10.
Zak "Grace Perry broke up with me"

Big Duff Man" You are such a Zak Stuart"
by yugnar September 15, 2022
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zak crickmore has a crush on an orange called holly smith then plays at park with a eric man ting
zak crickmore
by zak crickmore May 22, 2019
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A zak Fish is someone who is secretly gay.
Man Bob is a real Zak Fish
by BobJoe the Monkey Hoe February 26, 2010
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most amazing boy in the world. he listens to everything i say. he is sweet and caring and loving. he makes me laugh on a daily basis and never fails to make me smile. zak harrison is so loveable. he only says things if he means it.
i love you,
Zak Harrison is amazing
by j.m.b4z.j.h June 17, 2011
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National punch Zak/Zakariya day. (29th May)
Zak/Zakariya- 29th May National punch Zak day.
by National punch May 29, 2021
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(n.) The instance of a brutal raping; unwanted sexual advances
(v.) to rape; to sodomize; forcing oneself in a sexual manner on another (goes well with roofies)
While Craig was passed out on the futon, Chris thought it would be fun to zak attack him with a 10 inch dildo to wake him up.
by dankmidsarereal April 3, 2011
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Bone City, Utah.
(n.) above average sex that one would boast about; awesome bang-sesh; hanky panky; boner-jam, sexy time
(v.) to fuck, bang, poke, 'do', bone, seal the deal, sex
We thought he was up in his room for a while, but what we didn't know was that he got zak whacked by a big booty woman.
by dankmidsarereal April 3, 2011
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