When one duct-tapes a colt 45 onto each hand. The person who has "colt 45 hands" cannot take them off until he/she finishes the bottle. Very difficult to pee, very easy to get drunk.
I can't fuckin take a leak till i drink my colt 45 hands!
by Jared Hunter March 24, 2005
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A place where New England Patriots haters assemble to discuss topics such as "Manning vs. Brady", "Report on Addai", and "We're going to lose to the FREAKIN' Patriots". Must be obsessed with Patriots fans in order to join.
Colts fan 1 "Its a good thing we won last year"

Colts fan 2 "Why is that?"

Colts fan 1 "Because according to the Indystar Colts Forum, the Patriots have signed Randy Moss and Adalius Thomas"

Colts fan 2 ~craps pants~
by greatfallsmontana August 10, 2007
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the team of the future consisting of world class NRL players and training facilities

the colts are the news team in town
man I wish I played for the Mur-bah Colts
by yeet me June 21, 2021
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1. A powerful single action revolver holding six rounds of .45 Colt ammunition.

2. Cannot play Russian Roulette without it.

3. The weapon of the legendary Revolver Ocelot.
Introduced in 1873, no Colt revolver has earned greater fame than the Single Action Army, The Peacemaker.

In design and performance, in line and form, no more sculptural and practical Colt has ever been created.
"This is the greatest handgun ever made. The Colt Single Action Army. Six bullets... More than enough to kill anything that moves. Now I'll show you why they call me... 'Revolver'."

Revolver Ocelot to Solid Snake in 2005.
by zingeraddict September 27, 2011
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