The price that one pays (usually a female) when they spread their legs for Rocco, unbeknownst to them that he is a serial cheater.
“Bro did you cheat on your gf last night?”

nah man this one girl i was talking to just paid the Rocco Ransom
by cheater23 April 10, 2023
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A man who has a massive sh long and all the bitches while picking cotton because he’s a dirty fucking nigger cunt cocksucking faggot wanker who gave qaundale dingle a blowjob
That Rocco Messina is black
by Urnanscousinsbrother July 24, 2023
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Gay nigger boy who likes black bootys but only botlys
Rocco messina is a nigger
by kimykong tttt July 24, 2023
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A move where the guy sticks his dick in the girls vagina and she bits down completely cutting it off
"that woman Pulled a Rocco Maneuver on me"
"I really Rocco Maneuvered him"
by The Mysterious Dictionarianist December 28, 2022
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The singular ucla bar that has insanely overpriced drinks. Everyone’s sick of having to pay $20 for a fastpass to still have to wait 30 min in line before 10 pm. It’s often lovingly referred to as our ucla shithole. We’re allowed to shit on it, yet for some reason you’ll often stumble upon a lot of usc people there. Most known for Amf’s that look like antifreeze.
It’s a Ucla rite of passage to down an amf at rocco’s.
by Suiaoqpqjshsbs June 13, 2023
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Rocco is a rabbit man who put carrots in peoples bum at 3 a.m. as a way to propose to rubyrube, some people call him the despicable rabbit. If you hear munching and crunching in your cupboard just know ỳ̴͓̄ǫ̶̽u ͈͋ ̴̘̀͛a ̭͇͗͒r ̰̿̓e ̦́ ̴̝̰̇̊t ͇̐ô̶͚̥o̵̞̟͑͐ ̬͋̈́l̴̯̊͐a̶̹͝t̴̪̯̅̇e ̧̢̀ ̵͍̘͋̉a ̙̮̉n̴̖̎ͅd̶̦́ ̶̞͖̔R̴͔͓̽ó̶̢͂ͅc ͖̫̆̊c ͒͜o ̱͓͝ ̝͗w ̭̎ị̵̭̔̈l̴̛͔l ̗̮̾͗ ̵̭͉͐ğ̴̤͐e̴̛̺̼t̵̜̜̒ ̶̡̤̂y̶̻͂o ̠̹̓̍u̴̲̒́ ̵̨͎́̍á̶̡͕n ͕̦̈̈́d ͓̳̈́̈́ ̵̡̱̊l̶̻̊ī̶͇v̶̤͝e ͖̬̏̈ ͑͋͜i̵̛̩n ̡̭̿s̶͉̒i ̗̘̊d ̖̈́̋e ̮̺̃̇ ̳͠y̶̹̺̐͋o ͉̋̓u ̪̾̕r̵̗̓ ̴̩̈́̕w ̠̣͆̕å̴̝̺̔l ̧̠̏l̴͚͓̑̀s̵͙̜̃.̴̗̍
RAbbit man Rocco Russell
by Epiccoolawsomeguy123 May 30, 2023
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