Former king of metal. Now a washed up sell-out who only sees dollar signs. This started with his show "The Osbournes", to re-enact one of the episodes go to a channel you don't get and let the beeping noise go on for thirty minutes. Need more proof? A few years ago Ozzy had a few of his CDs re-done with different bass and drums.
Please Ozzy, do metal a favor and retire.
by Billy Bob Bo Brain the 3rd. August 21, 2005
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1. Any person that whores themself out to anybody/anything that gives them money.
2. Another term for "washed up"
3. Another term for "drug addict"
4. When something goes from fun to disturbing.
1. Mark: Hey, you know that Lisa chick? She's a whore; she's so ozzy osbourne!
2. Ozzy Osbourne is Ozzy Osbourne.
3. Mark: Hey! Bum! Stop being such an Ozzy and get a job!
4. Mark: I had a job at Disneyland. It went to ozzy really fast.
by good music rules May 20, 2005
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one of the greatest metal artists of all time, now degraded by most modern music
person 1: Do you like metal music?
person 2: I do but I don't like Ozzy Osbourne.
person 1: so you don't like metal music?
by TheScar September 25, 2014
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A person who seeks revenge on others by performing wreckless acts upon them.
That crazy Ozzy Randolph hung the principal's dog from the flagpole.
by Snake and Pyro November 16, 2006
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A tall person, who usually has greasy hair, who is a massive bellend. They often have a brace and therefore can also be nick named brace face. These type of people are found in public schools and are often hunted for fun.
Will: Oscar has now become the new King Ozzy!
Oli: Yeh i agree he is a complete bell end.
Will: Its about time i went hunting for one any way.
by Wilga March 23, 2010
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The greatest person ever to walk on the face of the earth..good looking...irresistible to the ladies.
Ozzy Durmus is The Man
by OzzyDurmus August 28, 2010
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Not a bad band, but is usually liked by idiots who will never graduate highschool.
failure 1:Dude, Ozzy Osbourne kicks ass!
failure 2:Ozzy kicks major ass!
me:You guys suck ass!
by Greg B September 17, 2005
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