Refers to where all of your bodily-openings are all "venting" at once --- i.e., you're simultaneously sneezing, coughing/gagging, farting, etc. --- and so you are unable to adequately monitor them all at once to prevent messy "oopses". It's not unlike what happens when a piece of complex equipment suffers a major malfunction and causes alarms and indicator-lights to go off all over the place, and so you cannot possibly keep track of them all or deal with many multiple issues at once.
Anytime I feel a bout of orifice-outflow overload coming on, I simply shed all my lower garments and race to da nearest WC --- that way, I am safe from any "accidents" because any offending fluid/matter will just go down da toilet or into da sink, rather than soiling my clothes or anything else in my general vicinity. And so far I have yet to be cited for public indecency --- seems dat folks would prefer having to temporarily see me in my birthday-suit rather than mopping up copious quantities of puke/poop afterwards... they merely bring me my pants and briefs again from where I'd haphazardly flung them in my frenzied headlong dash for da crapper, so dat I can re-dress myself in privacy before emerging from the bathroom-stall again.
by QuacksO February 5, 2019
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It's when Jeon Jungkook falls and trips over his own dick and acts stupid (said lovingly)
Jungkook fell over when he saw his hyung's handsome face and announced it to Twitter, successfully emitting the big dick overload phenomenon

For legal reasons this is a joke
by Kooksnail May 25, 2022
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When crumbly cheese thickens (1.5 inches) your long johns. Example: "Your pyjamas smell of smegma overload" said Mandy to John
by Dryer sudocrem March 11, 2023
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Cuteness Overload means that their shocked or just something to say when they dont know what to say in shock mostly used in tiktok in the summer.

Most known words mostly meaning Cuteness overload, oh!, what?, wtf??
i just murdered 10 children.

Cuteness overload!! (wtf..)
by Cybruhs October 3, 2023
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a lot of black things or people
it's so dark here. it's a blackness overload
by DarkPh4nt0m September 30, 2023
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Overflowing with good attributes (hot, sexy, awesome personality, honest, fit, etc, etc, etc).
She's Overloaded!
He's Overloaded!
by everglass September 16, 2021
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