A name given to a person who doesn't appreciate what they have and are often assholes.
girl 1: aye look its him over there!
girl 2: oooh you talking about Lala!!

girl 1: why do you call him Lala?
girl 2: because he's unappreciative and an ass.

girl 1: makes sense.
by hahahahahahahaimpetty June 4, 2018
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Its another names for lola or grandmother
by merney March 24, 2017
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German shopper rrrr oooooooo lalallllllalalalalala rrrr ooo ooo ooo ooo
by Rrroooo October 5, 2020
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Lala is a piece of shit and fucking weird
She has gucci flip flops and is sensitive
Beats her kids with tortillas and flip flops
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Another word for weird

cause Lala is a weird ass girl from Norway that does weird ass shit
"You're so Lala"
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