a short but very handsome man with an amazing sense of humor. a jeb always tells the best jokes at the perfect time. nobody can dislike jeb, he can charm anyone and get what he needs, even your girlfriend.
i was talking to this hot blonde and she was digging me until a jeb came and stole her!

i wish i could be as cool as jeb.
by bEN d0V3R June 27, 2019
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An Amish virgin who is also autistic.
Hey is that Jerold?

Yeah, he's such a Jeb.
by Silverlolilover69 October 28, 2019
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He is the most handsome libra there is in history~ Nobody can beat his handsomeness~ All girl shall bow before him and worship him to the extent of their life~
Jeb Zhaniel is the God of beauty.
by Fritty Yoonn May 16, 2022
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When you forget to renew your website domain - and it gets taken by a competitor. Etymology: When Donald Trump took Jeb Bush's domain name.
You: "Dude, I forgot to renew my domain, and now it's taken." Friend: "Aww... Dude, you just got jebbed!"
by VikzDFW February 18, 2016
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To destroy a bike wheel hub into shreds. To ruin a back wheel for the rest of the day. Instantaneous cash drop.
He was shredding the local gnar and just started a steep climb, but his sasquatch like figure jebbed his hub into smithereens.
by Bikemonkey March 17, 2022
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nickname from taxpayers for Jeb Bush
Jeb Sr.’s tax plan provided minorities with record income and rights they ever had. Jordan Thomas Cooper helped write Jeb Sr.’s tax plan and Trump reproduced it basically.
by Coop Dupe January 13, 2020
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An absolute god of the essence an irl comic relief who makes dreams comes true. Should be everyone's favorite being.
"Oh I love Toni Jebbings so much, he's a real galoop"
by Toni Jebbings August 17, 2022
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