When you cum in a dollar bill and wipe it over a girl’s face.
Dave: Yo a girl let me do the Dollar Dazzle on her last night.
Bruce : Oh you’re so lucky that’s the dream bro
by DeadEnd11 September 20, 2019
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when he accidentally squirts on her butt cheeks making them glisten and dazzle like the thousands of stars up in the sky.
baby let me take you out someplace nice tonight. real nice. and if you behave i’ll give you dazzle cheeks when we get home.
by ponyspank69 July 9, 2021
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Short for "Vagazzle Dazzle". When Crush's mom stuffs her droopy lady junk between her legs for the viewing pleasure of degenerates.
Damn, Mike is getting another Dazzle from Crush's mom?!?!?! That's his fourth one this week!
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A raging closeted homosexual that stans the weeknds and other jazz fads.

Not a single soul in the universe

No one

Dazzle: I love that twice record
by Not ammar April 6, 2023
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The act of sucking your homies toes while watching drag queens preform.
by Queso Mcpaddywagon July 26, 2024
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EX: two hand razzle dazzle, razzle dazzle doo, etc.
she give that great razzle dazzle exspecial with the swirl.
by razzle dazzle queen September 4, 2018
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This word is used for Putting on a show. This is an example on how it may be used
Bully: meet me, behind the school after school now.

Me: Oh you wanna razzle dazzle do ya huh
Bully; isn't it obvious punk.
by Katelynn162 December 16, 2022
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