Bad Ass Mother Fuckers who party & bullshit. They don't care what other people think of them, and are usually heavy drinkers.
Damn those girls are BAMFs, we should party with them.
by stephhhaniie August 2, 2009
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An onomatopoeic sound of teleportation, especially when done by Nightcrawler of the X-Men.

It also can be used to refer to the act of teleporting.
A) *BAMF* "Surprise, surprise!"

B) The wizard bamf'd away as he was about to be killed.
by Zoldge September 9, 2009
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The act of being a BAMF, or a Bad Ass Mother Fucker. Usually refers to a group of bestfriends who go out almost every night and do crazy shit.
Steph, Caitlyn, Devin, and Kaitlynn were totally BAMFing it up last night at that party.
by stephhhaniie August 4, 2009
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1: the sounds nightcrawler of the x-men makes when teleporting.

2:bad ass mother fucker.
I wish i could be a bamf like nightcrawler.
by apple_eater January 8, 2009
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Originated from Marvel comics, it was originally Night Crawlers sound affect when he would teleport. However, Dane Cook likes to be a stupid douchebag and take all the credit and uses the term BAMF as 'Bad Ass Mother Fucker'
Dane Cook: And I was like MAN I'M SUCH A BAMF!


by OmgTheOneGuy April 27, 2009
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