Someone woth red colour skin and his wife sleeps around
O Kwstas ine red bull
Ine kokkinos k i gineka tu xenopida
by Kdkejjwns May 20, 2020
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A brand of energy drink that is equally as expense as it is bad, an 8 ounce wil set you back 1) your house and both of your kidneys (not that you need to sell them, they caused me kidney failure) and 2) your dignity, it is the starbucks of energy drinks, it tastes like cough syrup and costs you your health and reputation
Ultra Chad : why is Red Bull so expensive?

Ultra Thad : it's more of a status symbol than anything, like supreme and gucci, they aren't good, you use it to flex
by monster juice addict June 15, 2021
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a drink that looks like beer, tastes like shit and doesn't give you wings or even get you high
Red Bull does not give you wings.
by cococo97 November 5, 2021
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An energy drink that, despite the bullshit slogan, does not give you wings, nor does it, despite what some people claim, does not contain bull urine or bull semen in it.
Fucking moron: I decided to mix my Coffee with Red Bull to switch it up.
Someone that is not a fucking moron: Do you want to die?
by PhoenixGamer34 September 16, 2021
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The group of chicks in a dude’s phone he only calls for booty calls.

Like the baseball reference; where the pitchers hang out, waiting to be called into the game.
The bar is closing soon and I haven’t hooked up yet. I might have to call the Bull Pen tonight.
by Fore Right June 5, 2021
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mechanical rodeo bull is when your giving your girl anal and slowly push your dick in her ass and say another girls name then you try to hold on for 8 seconds
i so gave her the mechanical rodeo bull last night while i watched zootube
by jaden schneider October 2, 2020
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